Ready to Tackle New England’s Most Dangerous Hike?
The breathtaking view and sense of accomplishment are what make challenging hikes so exciting. While extreme sports and adventures may be popular on social media, they are not for everyone.
Hiking offers a variety of trails for all skill levels, with weather playing a significant role. Jenni Herchek from Baltimore, MD, shared a photo from the Precipice Trail on Oct 28 after a 12-hour drive.
The Weather Channel has compiled a list of the most dangerous hikes in the country, including the Precipice Trail in Acadia National Park, Maine. These hikes require top-tier skills and special gear, with many hikers training extensively for them.
Despite the incredible mountain ranges and national parks in the US, only seven hikes made the list. BJ McCollister from Portland, Maine, shared a photo from the Precipice Trail over Indigenous People’s Day Weekend.
The Precipice Trail is known for its steep cliffs and metal rungs that help hikers ascend over 1,000 feet in less than a mile to the summit of Champlain Mountain. While the climb is not technically difficult, it requires significant physical and mental strength.
After being closed for protection, the Precipice Trail and Orange & Black Path have reopened to the public.
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